Yoga Mountain Inc
At our best we are all teachers at heart ~Maya Angelou
Dates for our new 95 hr Children and Teens Yoga Teacher Training Hybrid Certification 2022 have been released!
Virtual Info session Tuesday, January 25th!
Complete your 200 hr Certification in
Two Months!
Yoga Mountain Accelerated
Summer Program
Accelerated 200
Teacher Training Programs
Summer 2017
Designed to be completed between your SPRING and FALL Semester!
Session 1
June Dates
Weekdays will be Monday through Thursday 9:30-12:30
Week one: 6/5, 6/6, 6/7, and 6/8
Week two: 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, and 6/15
Week Three: 6/19, 6/20, 6/22, and 6/23
Week Four: 6/26, 6/27, 6/28, and 6/29
Weekends will be Saturday and Sunday
12:30 -6:30
Weekend one: Saturday June 10th and 11th
Weekend two: Saturday June 24th and 25th
July Dates
(overlaps with session two)
Weekdays will be Monday through Thursday 9:30-12:30
Week one: 7/5, 7/6
Week two: 7/10, 7/12, 7/13, and 7/14
Week Three: 7/17, 7/18, 7/19, and 7/20
Week Four: 7/ 24, 7/25, 7/26, and 7/27
Week five: 7/31
Weekends will be Saturday and Sunday
12:30 -6:30
Weekend one: July 8th and 9th
Weekend two: July 22nd and 23rd
Session 2
July Dates
(overlaps with session two)
Weekdays will be Monday through Thursday 9:30-12:30
Week one: 7/5, 7/6
Week two: 7/10, 7/12, 7/13, and 7/14
Week Three: 7/17, 7/18, 7/19, and 7/20
Week Four: 7/ 24, 7/25, 7/26, and 7/27
Week five: 7/31
Weekends will be Saturday and Sunday
12:30 -6:30
Weekend one: July 8th and 9th
Weekend two: July 22nd and 23rd
August Dates
Weekdays will be Monday through Thursday 9:30-12:30
Week one: 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, and 8/4
Week two: 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, and 8/10
Week Three: 8/14, 8/15, 8/16, and 8/17
Week Four: 8/21, 8/22, 8/23, and 8/24
Week five: 8/28, 8/29, 8/30, and 8/31
Weekends will be Saturday and Sunday 12:30 -6:30
Weekend one: August 5th and 6th
Weekend two: August 19th and 20th
Each level will end with a Weekend intensive
Level One
Philosophy: please research and journal about these topics; they will be discussed further in class
samtosha/contentment; ahimsa/non-harming; sthairya/ Stability; and Sukha/ease or sweetness.
Anatomy: Skeletal and muscular System
Poses: salutation to the sun, Mountain, child’s pose, cat/dog, tree, cobra, locust, bow, shoulder stand, plough, fish, down dog, upward dog, spinal twist, bridge, forward bend (standing and seated), triangle, zazen, proud warrior, easy seated pose, adepts pose. Familiarize yourself with the sanskrit names.
Level Two
Philosophy: please research and journal about these topics; they will be discussed further in class
avidya/ spiritual ignorance and maya (assignments will be given out for philosophy presentations)
Anatomy: circulatory and respiratory systems
Poses: Salutation to the Moon; Squat, willow, pigeon, stork, standing pyramid, seated head to knee, eagle, wheel, head stand, camel, rabbit, standing stick, low lunge, staff pose, lotus, boat, wide leg forward bend standing and seated. Be prepared to lead us. Familiarize yourself with the Sanskrit names.
Level Three
Philosophy: please research and journal about these topics; they will be discussed further in class
samskara/indelible imprints; the three gunas/quality, strand; yin/yang; Shiva and Shakti.
Anatomy: Balance and Movement (inner ear and sight)
Poses: Salutation to the earth; warrior series, warrior spinal twist, Crow, conqueror’s pose, half-moon, King Dancer, scorpion, Fire log pose, hand stand, eight angle pose, standing split,
Level Four
Philosophy: please research and journal about these topics; they will be discussed further in class
The Eightfold Path and the Koshas
Anatomy: Nervous and endocrine system
Poses: Vinyasa; Erich Schiffman standing flow series restorative poses, ashtanga flow series, and Bikram
Teacher Training 200-hour &
300-hour/Holistic Healing Yoga Certification Program
We are all teachers at heart
Yoga Mountain is offering new programs for 200 and 300 hr/Yoga Holistic Healing Certification students that are accessible to everyone!
This new program includes Monthly Modules along with weekly Wednesday Workshops taught by Yoga Mountain graduates. These former students have become experts in the field of yoga and have come back to share their knowledge and experiences with a fresh set of minds. Each weekend you will get new instructors and a new perspective. These instructors will teach under the guidance of Gail Walsh, the creator of Yoga Mountain Inc, who will play an active role in your certification. This ensures the same level of professional expertise that Yoga Mountain has been providing in the Lower Hudson Valley for the past 22 years.
This program is designed to be flexible and adapt to any schedule. The weekends will be done as modules, which will be ongoing, with the exception of December. This means if your schedule causes you to miss a weekend, you have ample opportunity to make up those hours. By offering weekly Wednesday Workshops, we provide the ability to accumulate more hours for those who wish to finish the program at an accelerated pace. You can complete in seven months OR you can go at your own pace!
Our 300 hr students will also be participating in our Holistic Healing Yoga Certification program. Which will be embedded within their training. The curriculum is presented through lecture, discussion, observation, and hands-on practice. The skills that will be developed are intake, client-teacher relations, process plan creation, implementation, adaptation, documentation, evaluation of effectiveness of process, and follow-up. During your training in Holistic Healing Yoga you will participate in 3 case studies, with the expert guidance of Gail. During these studies you will guide an individual through an exploration of their own personnel yoga practice. Every month you will also attend a 3-hour meeting with Gail and the other participants in the Holistic Healing Yoga Certification program. During this time you can share your experiences and solve problems together with fellow Yogis.
Please email all completed applications to
About Our Program
Receive instruction: from expert yogis who were personally trained through Yoga Mountain graduates with years of experience in the practice and the business of Yoga.
Wednesday Workshops: Where we dig in to material presented in the modules.
Practicum: Hands on training. Students learn by practicing alongside, observing and assisting our instructors.
Already Certified: Our Wednesday Workshops and Monthly Modules count towards your continuing education required by Yoga Alliance
It doesn’t end there… even after your training is complete you have the option to come back and take our Weekly Workshops and Weekend Intensives at a reduced price!
*As listed in our fees section your tuition must be paid in full in order to graduate.
The Fees
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Program $3300.00
Advanced 300 (500) hour with Healing Yoga Certification Program $3600.00
Payment Options
Payment in full or Monthly Payments
$500.00 deposit and monthly payments. Hold your space with a $500 deposit and space your payments through your 9-month semester:
200 hour program: First month you will be charged $330, Then $320 for the next 8 months per month.
500 hour program: For the first month you will be charged $345 per month, Then $355 for the remaining months.
*Please note if you pay with credit card there will be $10 admin fee monthly. Returned checks carry a $50 fee.
*You can only receive your diploma when you are paid in full.
​​Sukha Arts Center​
76 schraalenburgh road
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
During your training you will recieve free classes at hosting studio with the certification faculty.
Monthly Modules and Weekend Intensives Schedule
Wednesday Workshops
Wednesday Workshops will begin June 22 and run from 6:30-9:30 pm.
Weekend Intensives
Begin in September and run the third weekend of every month
One weekend (Saturday & Sunday) each month 12:30-6:30 pm
Yoga Mountain Certification dates for 2016
Wednesday Workshops SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS
Sukha Arts Center Sukha Arts Center
6:30-9:30 pm 12:30-6:30 pm
June 22, 29 Sept 17, 18
July 6, 13, 20, and 27 Oct 15, 16
Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Nov 19, 20
Sept 7, 14, 21, and 28 Dec weekend intensive
Oct 5, 12, 19, and 26
Nov 2, 9, 16, and 30
Dec 7, 14, 28
* Those participating in 300 hr/Holistic Healing Yoga
will have an additional 3 hr monthly meeting with
Gail TBD
Yoga Mountain Certification dates for 2017
Wednesday Workshops SATURDAYS &SUNDAYS
Sukha Arts Center Sukha Arts Center
6:30-9:30 pm 12:30-6:30 pm
Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 Jan 21, 22
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 Feb 18, 19
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March 18, 19
April 5, 12, 19, 26 April 22, 23
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 20, 21