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In-School Training Program

Teaching Self-regulation to Improve Academic Performance and Interpersonal Relations: Yoga in the Classroom


Participants will explore how awareness of breath and centering stimulates the potential for self-regulation, better focus, clarity of intent, and improved inter-personal relations. They will learn how simple yoga postures, most of which can be done at the desk, beside the desk, in groups or individually, can be implemented to improve classroom interactions and prepare students to do better on exams. Course requires in-class implementation and effectiveness documentation.


Required text “Yoga in the Classroom,” by Gail Bentley Walsh. NYS Learning Standard HPE.


This course is designed to teach educators how to integrate mindfulness, breathing techniques and yoga stretches/postures/movements into the classroom to support students with physical strength, flexibility, attention and concentration skills. Teachers learn, practice, and test out effective strategies to address anxiety, stress, fatigue and anger in themselves as well as in their students. This course helps teachers build and maintain a positive classroom environment.


No prior yoga experience is required.  This course does not attempt to make actual yoga teachers out of classroom teachers; but gives classroom teachers the tools to EXPLORE YOGA with their students.

About The Program


This course adheres to the following New York State Department of Education Learning Standards for Health and Physical Education.

  • Standard 1: Personal Health and FitnessStudents will have the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain physical fitness, participate in physical fitness and maintain personal health.

  • Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy EnvironmentStudents will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.


This course is included in the Rockland Teachers’ Center Institute (RTCI) Certificate Program- Connecting Health with Learning “A Bridge to Wellness and Achievement”. Call Marianne Smith (RTCI) 845 942 7604 for details.

Program Format

The course is offered in a variety of customized formats. Below are examples of possible formats. 

  • 3-hour Introductory Session –   

  • Half-day Workshops, Introductory or Follow-up 

  • Whole –day workshops, Introductory or Follow-up











Contact Gail Bentley Walsh for information and dates.

What Teachers Are Saying About Our Training...

"...I really enjoyed the purposeful centering of ourselves as the adults in the classroom—we need this so much.  I am excited to practice this for myself, so I can model what I learn and share the peace and self-awareness that comes from this work.  I am also happy to be learning this along with them; I know my students enjoy seeing me as a learner, and it directly supports the growth mindset I am striving to create in my classroom.  I found myself trying my best to give myself totally to this experience.  I know there will be students in my classroom who need this as much as I do.  The instructors/coaches/captains were so open and supportive—I felt completely safe to be a novice in this setting.  Thank you so much for making this possible for us..."

"...The time passed quickly and I left feeling relaxed even though it was 5:30 and parent conferences are tomorrow!  It was nice to see so many of us embarking on this journey together. I am excited to try this with the kids. I think it's going to be great..."

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